International Ministries


July 20, 2016 Journal
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Wednesday at 12:15 PM, Rachel, Sarah, Elizabeth, Andrew, and I were leaving an uplifting day at Vacation Bible School at our partnering congregation, Crosspointe Meadows Church in Novi, MI.  We meandered across the parking lot, the girls singing one of the week’s songs, “God is With Us.”  I was both humbled and encouraged.  It is a new experience to be the recipient of an offering.  The sound of hard-earned coins dropped into the offering bucket by little hands was ringing in my mind and heart, when the sound of my phone pulled me out of my contemplation.  The text read, “Closing set for Friday at 4:30.”  The 52-hour countdown began. 

About three months before, Jon and I were in the process of interviewing with International Ministries.  Although we were not yet endorsed and had no guarantee of future service with International Ministries, we felt God’s call strongly.  So strongly, in fact, that we did something pretty crazy.  We shared our call with our church family at Covenant Baptist Church, and put our house on the market.  It was an act of obedience that required us to risk our family’s stability.  Just as Abram believed the promise of God and left his home and his property for an unknown place with uncertain outcomes, we believed that God’s call was more important than security.  There was only enough light for the step in front of us, yet what better hands to put the stability of our family than in the hands of the One who gave His life for us. 

Wednesday at 12:17 PM, I leaned against the hot steering wheel of my mini-van with my eyes closed and groped for a divine hand to hold.  Taking a deep breath, I started the engine (and the air-conditioning!)  “Kids,” I said, “We are going to see something AWESOME in the next few days.  We have just been given 52 hours to move out of our house.  There is no way that we can do this on our own.  God is going to show up and do the impossible.”  We prayed together for trust, strength, and peace that passes understanding. 

If you have ever held the hand of Jesus, then you know exactly how this chapter of our story ends.  Over the next 52 hours, our church family, friends, and neighbors showed us the hands of Jesus wrapped in human skin.  These hands were laid on our shoulders as brothers and sisters in Christ lifted us up in prayer.  They climbed up ladders and laid insulation in the attic of our old home.  Many hands packed boxes, carried heavy objects, loaded the backs of mini-vans and pick-up trucks.  One hand pushed a vacuum cleaner while holding a small child on their hip.  Hands knocked on the door bringing hugs and food and drinks.  Boxes were unloaded, and finally, one last hand pair of hands provided the keys to our new rental home. 

Hebrews 11:1 defines faith for us.  “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”  This great faith chapter reminds us of generations of faithful people who were not left abandoned.  The God of Abram is still God, and He is still faithful. Whatever leap of faith God is asking you to take, go ahead and jump.  The hands of Jesus will be there.  

All for the Love of Jesus,
