International Ministries

Roaring Like a Lion

November 17, 2016 Journal
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One of 7 year-old Andrew’s favorite songs is “God’s Not Dead” by the Newsboys. He likes to sing along with the music and then shout at the top of his lungs “My God’s not dead, He’s surely alive!!!!” I have to admit that I like to shout along with him, because I have seen and experienced that Christ is alive!

As we have been building partnerships over the past six weeks, I have been amazed at Jesus’ vibrancy. I saw the kindness of Jesus shine in Council Bluffs, Iowa, as a downtown church, already operating a food pantry, dreamed of ministry to newly released prisoners. Jesus’ love was present in Waterloo, Iowa, as this church served and met the needs of people in the community along with churches from different denominations. I was inspired as leaders of the Great Rivers Region demonstrated extraordinary faith and chose to be outrageously generous. I saw endurance inspired by the hope of Jesus in Indiana as women of faith stretched their physical bodies to exertion in order to come together to fellowship and to serve. The goodness of partnership in Jesus was a treasure I discovered in Mill Creek, Indiana and in Bluffton, Indiana, as churches sought a closer relationship with International Ministries, and longed to serve together across the world. In Louisburg, Kansas, our family was loved as family. I have been encouraged, kept in prayer, and supported by churches in Michigan who passionately want to share the good news of Jesus.

I am blessed to see Jesus “Living on the inside, roaring like a lion!” Your labors of love bear witness to this truth! One of the great joys of partnership is the opportunity to encourage each other. Thank you! Jon, the kids, and I cherish you. First Thessalonians 1 v. 2-3 says, “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” We pray for you, brothers and sisters, and praise God as Jesus’ light that shines so brightly in you!

What amazing thing is Jesus doing in your life? How is God alive in your church? Maybe he is calling you to partner with what God is doing in Hungary? We would love to share with you so that we can partner together on mission with Christ.