International Ministries

Building Lasting Relationships in God's Name

August 8, 2016 Journal
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Relationships are one of the many reasons I wanted to explore a longer mission this summer. It is fundamentally difficult to make a lasting relationship in 7 or 8 days. That goal of forming relationships has been at the forefront of my decisions and time management here. I don't think I've realized just how close I have been growing to these people and kids. I look forward to every day of the week when the feeding program kids come because I know they'll recognize me, and I them. We'll most likely play "pato, pato, ganzo" or a game of basketball with an excessive amount of traveling. I also look forward to eating dinner or having late-night music sessions with the kids living in the home. I love learning what the kids want to be when they grow up or their favorite lunch food. And through all the relationship building I also come to know some of their insecurities or what parts of God's character they find hard to believe. I have been allowed the opportunity to encourage and reaffirm that God is who He says He is. That when God says that we are cleansed of all sin, loved for all eternity, and chosen for a purpose He means it. I pray everyday for the opportunity to be God's hands and feet in action and word and He is faithful to use me even when I don't know I'm being used.

The profile I want to share today is about the family living in a neighboring house to the worksite that we visit frequently. The youngest girl living there, Sarah, helps us work hauling concrete or moving big blocks. My favorite thing is how excited she gets to share in working with us; it's not a requirement but a joy. She lives with two younger brothers and some older sisters as well as her grandparents. Her grandma is so sweet and welcomes me often into the home to give me a hug. She speaks in very fast Spanish which I can never fully pick up but there is a lot of "heart" and "blessing". I feel like I know their family on a very personal level even with the language difference. The family has also graciously allowed us to use their home to store concrete bags and tools overnight. I never thought I would look forward to working multiple hours in extreme weather conditions doing manual labor but I do when it means seeing and spending time with the family.

Having only six days left in Honduras, I feel extremely unprepared to leave. This place has become a second home over the past four weeks. I keep thinking about the things I am going to miss and they weigh on my heart. I taught another Sunday school lesson this morning (Noah's ark and the symbol of the rainbow for God's promises) alongside a team from Ohio that has just arrived. I don't want to think about this being my last Sunday here and not attending their service or worshipping in Spanish again. Six days, however, is plentiful time and I plan on enjoying every second. I believe that God is taking care of me all the way until the end. Thank you for all the love and support. I am so appreciative. God bless,