International Ministries

Update from Sharon Dumas, Serving in Malaysia

October 27, 2016 Journal
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Last week-end I went to a village called Pensiangan. We went in trucks with low gears to get there. It took about 4 hours on paved roads and then another two hours on dirt logging roads. We had to cross two small streams and it was a little muddy in a couple places but no real problems. When we crossed the mountain there were some curves but Praise the Lord I did not get sick. 

Our group was diverse in every way. We were from three different countries, at least three different denominations and from several different ethnic groups. However, the group gelled really well. We went in three trucks and for each leg we were paired with different people so we had time to have an in depth discussion with almost everyone on the trip. I learned a lot about Islam, for instance how a chicken becomes Halal and regulations about witnessing to the Malay people. The food was good and one of the men even had some bread and crunchy peanut butter. That really made my day! 

There are two main concerns, making sure that the children have a strong Christian foundation so they will not convert to Islam when tempted to do so and to give them a good education with a strong emphasis on English instruction. In the village there is not always a secondary school available. We all went with the same burden. To see how we can help the children in the village .The group is exploring different options to see what can be done to help the children. There are government obligations and other things to consider when making the plan. Right now, they are seeking God’s guidance. Please pray that they will discern God’s will and then find the resources to carry out their plan. At some later date, there is a possibility that some of the group will go to Hawaii to share their burden. One of the refreshing things for me on the trip was seeing how God is everywhere. We were in a very remote, hard to reach village, but God was there doing good things. The passion to protect the children’s faith also really touched me. It is this passion to join God in what He is doing that keeps me going. I will see all of you in a couple months.

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