International Ministries

Never Leave Home Without It!

January 25, 2017 Journal
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During the last seven months of 2016, I served on the island of Borneo assisting with English lessons for children, college students and adults. I was in Banjarmasin, Indonesia during the Ramadan season and thus learned a lot about Islamic practices. I then moved to Jireh Home which serves children in Tuaran, Malaysia. I want to, first of all, thank IM and their partners for allowing me to partake in this great learning and sharing experience. 

Speaking of “firsts”, there were several for me on this trip. I had never spent an extended amount of time in a Muslim country before. While in Indonesia and in Malaysia, I at times felt restricted in my speech and movement due to Muslim culture and law. I also went alone. Although I made many friends while there and people in the U. S. were just a phone call away, I at times felt alone since there was no peer group from home with me. Thank you to all who kept in touch! The last first for me was the length of time I spent on the mission field. Previously I had only gone for two to three weeks. 

There was one key difference in the task at hand. Although I went as an English teacher, it soon became evident in Tuaran that the most important thing was to protect the children’s Christian faith. It was that vision that kept me going when difficulties arose. Children are very vulnerable because they go to school with Muslim children and teachers who try to convince them to change their faith. Please pray that the children will continue to believe in Jesus. Sensitivity to the Muslim culture and the country laws must be practiced when sharing the Gospel, and this is true even for Muslim followers of Jesus. The best form of sharing Jesus is how one lives one’s life. I did talk to the neighborhood children about Jesus when I could. I trust God with the seeds and pray that they all flourish.

I claimed Romans 8:28 several times a day in some cases. There were many challenges and frustrating moments as I lived in another culture, so I had to lean a lot on God. Thus, the title, “Never Leave Home Without It.”

Despite the many challenges, including schedules, communication and visas, the trip proved to be a “win-win” situation for me and for those to whom I served alongside. Students did improve in their language skills and grew spiritually because of discussions in and outside of class. I formed many friends, saw God working in many wonderful ways, experienced much of God’s wonderful creation and got practical experience in applying God’s word in various situations. I hope to return to Borneo possibly as soon as this summer. 

If you wish to learn more about my trip, please visit the web site at First Baptist Church Honolulu where you will find portions of my journals and power point presentations about my trip. Tujan Memberkati! (God Bless!)

International Ministries encourages volunteers to express things that they are experiencing, learning and thinking in mission. The reflections in volunteer blogs are shared with permission of the volunteer. The views and opinions presented throughout the blogs are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of International Ministries staff, Board of Directors or supporters.