International Ministries

Battling the Cold in Serbia

January 27, 2017 Journal
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This unusually cold winter has been especially difficult for the poor here in Eastern Europe. Since natural gas is costly, many families heat with wood, and wood is hard to come by in regions that have been burning wood to keep warm for centuries. When work crews trim trees along the streets in Téglás, people follow them, collecting this precious heating fuel.

In northern Serbia, where Larry partners with Pastor Zoltán and his Baptist congregations to serve the refugees, many church and community members are desperately cold right now. Firewood supplies have run out; lumber yards are selling briquettes made from sawdust and silage. Using funds given by our generous supporters, Larry was able to purchase two week supplies of briquettes for several families in the church and the community as outreach through the church. Thank you for your generosity!

Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Serbia.

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