International Ministries

Harvesting Fruit, Sowing Seeds

January 30, 2017 Journal
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Belated Happy and Blessed New Year! In Japanese, they say, akemashite omedetou gozaimasu. It is a national holiday and many Japanese have a week of vacation to be with their family. We celebrated on New Year’s Day at our international church with worship in Japanese and English. Pastor Scott encouraged us with a message that this will be a “fruitful” year! This past year (and continuing), I prayed for more workers for the harvest in Japan. Matthew 9:37-38. By faith, we believe both for the “fruit” and the workers.

Here are two examples of some recent fruit. Our daughter, Miki, led her friend to the Lord during their discipleship time. This was Miki’s first time to pray with someone to receive Jesus Christ into her heart! Please pray for our new sister in Christ, R-chan. Two Sundays ago, there was our first baptism service of 2017 with about 8 people baptized, including an entire family! Dad, Mom, and daughter were all “dunked” into a new life with Christ. Japanese people of all ages are responding to the Good News of Jesus.

Before we can see “fruit” we must “sow seeds.” December is our busiest time of ministry. This year was especially busy, just before Christmas. Four days straight, I shared Christmas carols on my accordion for different groups. Music is a wonderful way to share the miracle of Jesus’ birth, God’s gift to us. Sharing Christmas music is a little like “sowing seeds.” On Christmas Day, during the annual Nokendai Fellowship potluck, I was having trouble playing. I was tired and making mistakes! During a break, I met a new friend, who was the former pianist for the fellowship. I asked for help and he agreed to accompany me. Without rehearsal, he can play by ear. I just gave him the title and key of the carol. Several people thanked us for the music. PTL!

May the Lord continue to richly bless you!

With Thanks and much Love,

Gordon and Lee Ann Hwang

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