International Ministries

Sacred Moments

February 16, 2017 Journal
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When Joshua and the Israelites crossed the Jordan, the Lord told them to take twelve stones to remember how God had stopped the flow of the river. I am thankful that God wants us to remember and celebrate sacred moments. As our family makes the journey into a new land and calling, it is a joy to celebrate God’s work and blessing. At the end of February, I end my role as pastor and begin partnership building full-time. Our home congregation, Covenant Baptist Church, has been so encouraging. They have reacted to our call to Hungary with steadfast support, marked by a gracious farewell celebration remembering almost 12 years of ministry together. Favorite foods, music, words of hope, a thousand hugs, and special stories for each of the six of us were shared. There were so many joyful tears. It was an event our family will cherish and treasure as we serve Christ in a new land.

Sacred moments encourage us to trust God in the journey ahead.  We can trust God because Jesus is already on the other side of the river, or in our case, the Atlantic Ocean. The Baptist schools in Hungary continue to grow and the good news of Jesus is being shared. The Talent Elementary School in Debrecen has a 300% increase in prospects for the incoming class. God is opening the hearts of people in remarkable ways and lives are being transformed. We believe that this is another sacred moment. Christ is providing a way for eternal and abundant life!  
As we travel from one side to the other, we are incredibly thankful for your prayers and support. We are finding joy in building partnerships and joining with mission-minded followers of Jesus. This is something to remember and celebrate. When we focus on the mission of Christ, when we align our lives, our ways, and our hearts to God’s plan, something amazing begins to happen.  All of a sudden, we realize that we are in the midst of a sacred moment.