International Ministries

Freedom for Hungary

April 10, 2017 Journal
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Freedom for Hungary

The Gospel is Good News for the Hungarian people  

    Our daughter likes to express her thoughts and feelings through art. It touched my heart when she showed me her latest work. Her picture represents that Jesus is the key to freedom. It echoes what Jesus said in the gospel of John, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” It means that freedom is more than just knowing a few phrases or concepts. True freedom is only discovered through experiencing and yielding to Christ.

    When Amanda and I visited Budapest last summer, we had our photo taken in front of a symbolic iron curtain. The Iron Curtain was a historical barrier that separated parts of Europe from the rest of the world. Today, there are no occupying armies or cruel dictators, yet the Hungarian people still yearn for freedom. Captivity is widespread in the form of addiction, economic hardship, and hopelessness.

    This is why the gospel message is “good news” for the Hungarian people. As Christians give witness to a hope-filled life, people see that Jesus is the key to freedom. They are enthusiastically embracing the message of Christ. Enrollment in Baptist schools continues to climb, there is a need for more outreach ministry, and new churches are being born. Praise the Lord! People are being set free by the deep and abiding truth of Jesus.

    We are thankful for what God is doing in Hungary and for those who join with us. Christ’s plan for freedom is bigger than what the Hungarians can do on their own. It’s greater than what the SixGoods can do. That’s why there is such joy in partnership. Jesus is breaking the chains of hopelessness in this former communist country and, together, we can join Him. 

    In the next several months, we are visiting churches and individuals to share the story of God’s work in Hungary. Consider how Jesus might be calling you to a deeper experience of Him. We invite you to join the SixGoods Go team through prayer and ongoing financial support. Perhaps Christ’s work in you is a key to freedom for someone in Hungary.

Yours in Christ,
Jon and Amanda