International Ministries

Pray for Nancy and Steve James as they transition back to ministry in Haiti and globally following their U.S./Puerto Rico assignment.

September 27, 2017 PrayerCall
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They write: We greet you with much love and gratitude as our year of home assignment draws to a close.  This has been a year of transitions and travel, prayer and reflection, and is now time to move forward.

Given Steve’s back surgery last fall (now fully recovered) some have asked whether we will retire from mission work. We want to let everyone know that we are not retiring or permanently leaving Haiti.

We plan to work on targeted short-term assignments in Haiti as our partners and colleagues request. We are also being led to be flexible and open to opportunities worldwide that would allow us to share our training and experience including Servant Leadership workshops, medical consulting, mentoring health care providers, and facilitating the networking of resources for health care ministries. Several overseas communities have requested our help in these areas. When not serving overseas, we will be based in North Carolina near our children and grandchildren, which is a great blessing to us.

In our lifetime we have called many places “home." While we still enjoy good health, we want to be of service for as long as possible, and yes, continue to depend upon the sacrificial generosity of donors. Currently about 80% of our annual support has been raised, 95% is required for us to return to the mission field. With confidence in God’s provision and gratitude for so many blessings, we look forward to the coming year.

“See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19)