International Ministries

Easter in our New Home

April 27, 2009 Journal
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Prayer and Praise for April, 2009

Easter in our New Home

I am usually reminded of the name Immanuel, “God with us” at Christmas when we celebrate the coming of Christ to live among us.  But this Easter I was reminded again of that name as I meditated on the fact that Christ died and arose again so that God, through His spirit, could be with us always.  There were so many signs of God’s presence and love for us this Easter as we spent it for the first time in our new home that I was constantly being reminded of how blessed we are.  There was a beautiful sunrise as we woke early to remember that Christ had indeed conquered death.  The children had fun looking for Easter eggs and then we went to church together.  The children sang in a combined choir which included the Sunday School, the youth, and the adult choirs.  Through song the children were able to express praise for God’s love for each one of us.  In the evening I stood at the side of the House of Love with the children around me and we saw a glorious sunset over the mountains in the back of the house and a rainbow in the front.  But the surest sign of God’s presence was the grateful hearts of the children.  As we worshipped, the children again expressed their thanks to God and to you for their new home.

Praise and Prayer Points:

·         What joy to at last have all of the children moved into our new home!  Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and giving during the building process.  Your giving has reaped dividends of joy in these children’s lives.  Even though the children are settled, please pray as the daycare teachers organize their new space before school reopens next month, and for the office as it shifts to the new property as well.

·         Besides moving during the school break, we give praise that many of the HOL children have been able to visit extended family.  Please pray as we now get ready for school reopening in May.

·         Please continue to be praying for the daycare children during this school break.  Many have to work late hours to help their families.

·         Perhaps you remember we have a tradition of taking the HOL children to the beach every other year?  This year, I am traveling with children and families from the community-based rehab program (94 of us!) down to the beach for a camp for the disabled.  Please pray for safety as we travel, and joy as we have this holiday together.  

·         The HPTP staff asks for prayer for the youth that have attended the youth seminars.  Please pray that these youth make decisions to live lives that are pleasing to God.