International Ministries

Pray for Ann and Bruce Borquist

June 23, 2009 PrayerCall

Ann and Bruce serve as missionaries in Belo Horizonte, Brazil in partnership with JAMI, the international mission agency of the National Baptist Convention of Brazil. They equip Brazilian missionaries to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in countries around the world, including unreached people groups in Brazil. Based at JAMI's missionary training center in Belo Horizonte, they serve as teachers and pastoral counselors training new missionaries in the areas of cross-cultural ministry skills, Christian community and economic development, and English language for mission.

They write: JAMI recently hosted a national mission consultation.  Participants came from central and southern Brazil to learn about how to reach those who have never experienced the transforming power of the gospel, the impact of holistic mission on communities in Africa and Asia, the pressing need for Bible translation in over 2,200 languages, and the unique pastoral care needs of missionaries.  It was a rich time to learn, worship and pray together, and to reflect on how God wants to use each of us to bring hope and healing to others.  

As we looked around the hall, we were struck by the youthfulness and vitality of the faces of our Brazilian brothers and sisters.  Each of them is committed to educating and encouraging their local church to show the love of Jesus in practical ways in their community as well as to people in other parts of the world. 

We [recently] helped out with a national conference at JAMI that brought professionals together to talk about holistic care for missionaries. Sometimes called “member care,” this field is relatively new for Brazilian mission agencies and care professionals, and participants said it was a great success.  We also taught a weeklong module called Vida Missionária (“The Missionary Life”).  We squeeze a lot into the 35 contact hours, all focused on building and maintaining the healthy relationships every successful missionary must have with God, national colleagues, other missionaries, and churches and families back home. 

We are so glad that you are walking with us in this new thing that God is doing in the world.  Your prayer and financial support make it possible for us to train, send and provide pastoral care to a whole new generation of missionaries – pastors, nurses, teachers, football coaches, Bible translators, community workers, and musicians – who are passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus in both word and deed.  

