International Ministries

Pray for Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti

July 7, 2009 PrayerCall

Upon completion of their period of US/PR assignment, Carlos and Mayra, with their children, will be relocating in Spain to minister with the Baptist Evangelical Union of Spain in immigration, training lay persons, and preparing Christian Education curriculum materials. They were professors-at-large for the churches of the Convention of Baptist Churches of the Chilean Mission and for their Baptist Theological Institute until March 2009.

The Bonilla-Giovanetti family will be visiting churches in different States throughout their transition in 2009-2010, sharing of what the Lord did during their two terms in Chile and planning ahead for their new ministry opportunities in Spain. They trust their new assignment will also be full of friendships, adventures, and mission trips they will host.

They write: We are encouraged as we see how the Lord is providing [to meet our goal toward our support], even when the numbers are not yet at 100% (we live and move by faith!). We trust He will complete the work in us that He began (we know His faithfulness!). When the media attention has been drawn to public figures that have died, or governments that are in turmoil, our attention is to discern what the Lord wants us to do each day, where He wants us to go, who He wants us to speak to, what He wants us to tell them. Joshua and Caleb saw the same giants that the other 10 Israelites saw in the Promised Land, but they saw beyond the giants to the God who had promised them that land. God is a God of impossibles, and a God of abundant love and compassion.

His love and compassion moves us to Spain as it moved us to Chile. His love and compassion empowers us to be His servants where He takes us, despite our flaws and limitations. His love and compassion urges us to press toward the goal and the target, like Paul.

