International Ministries

Nice to be wanted

July 26, 2009 Journal
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We’ve been welcomed back to Costa Rica by our colleagues in ministry.  We hit the ground running, checking in with three work groups, being a supportive presence at a funeral, attending a conference, and preaching (Gary once, Mylinda once).  Just this week we got time to truly unpack and feel at home.    This week we were blessed by the visit of good friends Joan Friesen and Lisa Robinson from Santa Clara, CA.

We have had a chance to see a number of the Baptist churches involved in building projects (see pictures), and we’ve seen work groups making a difference and touching lives. 

The Alajuelita church has been blessed by visits from work groups from Indianapolis and Great Rivers Region (IL and MO).  Seeing the roof beams go up is an answer to prayer. Soon the congregation will be meeting in its new sanctuary.   More importantly, the church is catching a vision to impact its needy community with the love of Christ.  Thanks to all of you who have come alongside the Alajuelita church with your work, financial gifts and prayers.  Olman, Giselle, David, and Danny say “hola” and “gracias.” 

The Cinco Esquinas (5 corners) Church is a downtown church with a large building.  A few years ago it was on the brink of closing the doors.  But God is doing new things and Pastor Ruth is shepherding this flock with enthusiasm and tenderness.  A Narcotics Anonymous group meets there regularly and many of the recovering addicts have found a church home there.   The church is changing dangerously outdated wiring and replacing a dilapidated ceiling. 

 A group from Hacienda Heights, CA did some work in Sixaola and Cahuita (on the Caribbean side) with Ingrid Roldan Roman and Manuel and Sandra Obando.  They also helped with a ministry in the San Jose area in a community called La Carpio.  La Carpio is one of those places that most people avoid (poverty, immigrants, drugs, crime) but the SoCal folks pitched in with leaders Rigoberto and Alba who have grown to love this challenging community.   They painted, installed ceiling fans and outlets, and played with children.  We often say that these projects are good excuses to build relationships.   While in building relationships we open ourselves to blessings beyond belief, we also experience pain that comes from inevitable loss. Less than two weeks after the Hacienda Heights group returned to California, Rigoberto died of a sudden massive heart attack, leaving his family, friends, colleagues and ministry in stunned sadness. His family and Baptist Federation friends are committed to keeping the ministry alive in his honor, but they will face new challenges without him. His new friends from CA have another layer of feelings as they grieve the loss of their friend and find ways to be supportive of his family from a distance.

 We have been invited to dive back in and are doing so.  Gary starts a Bible class in August and Mylinda is diving into the Breaking the Chains project in La Guacima.  We are giving thanks for how much good ministry happened while we were away and by how God continues to work through his people.    At times we are tempted to think it’s all up to us, but God is saving us from this delusion. 

In the meantime, Micah continues to grow, the summer rains have arrived, we miss Jamie, and we are seeking to follow Christ’s leading in the midst of it all.  Your generous, ongoing gifts allow us to dive back in to life and ministry here in Costa Rica.

Gracias and Thank you,
