International Ministries

Pray for Judy Sutterlin

August 31, 2009 PrayerCall

Judy serves with the Nanjing Union Theological Seminary in China. She teaches English and Biblical studies, helping the Nanjing faculty and students improve their English ability. While this is Judy's main ministry she also has responsibilities through the Amity Foundation in Nanjing. She also serves as liaison to the other Amity projects including AIDS orphans in Henan Province and village clinics in Ningxia and Gansu.  


Items of thanks and praise:

·        All those who are helping us to support AIDS orphans in Henan Province, including a number of individual families and individuals from churches in the U.S.

·        Thanks and praise for the three ABC Summer English teams (13 people) we had participate in the Amity Summer English Program. 

·        Thanks and praise for the village doctors at the clinics in the 10 villages in Ningxia and the 17 villages in Gansu that we have been helping.  (We helped with the building of their clinics.  We have been helping the clinics in Ningxia with some medicines that they need, and we are currently working out the details for similar medicines for Gansu.) 

·        Thanks and praise for Amity and for Amity local partners in Ningxia and Gansu for all that they do to help those village doctors and to help us have a small role in this tangible sharing of love. 

·        Thanks and praise for my MPT and for all of those who have given to help me and my team


Pray for:

·        The AIDs orphans, that they may be motivated to stay in school even when meeting challenges or even prejudice along the way.  Pray that they may not only benefit from the small tangible gifts that we share to help them in their daily life and their studies, but may also feel the love that we seek to share.

·        The people in the remote villages of Jingning and Huining counties in Gansu Province who have experienced drought earlier in the spring and summer that have prevented their crops from properly maturing and who are now experiencing "too much" rain, creating impassable roads, broken bridges, and mudslides.  Particularly pray for two villages that I was not able to visit because of damage to roads cutting them off from others and for three people who were killed in a mudslide while they were trying to repair a road damaged by a mudslide the day before. 

·        The village doctors in Gansu and Ningxia Provinces as they serve and provide basic health knowledge and care for the people in their villages.

·        The churches in Nanjing in their outreach, and especially in their English ministries reaching out to young people.

·        Me as I try to balance time for the many, many tasks on my plate.
