International Ministries

Pray for Barbara and Dwight Bolick

January 12, 2010 PrayerCall
Barbara and Dwight Bolick serve in Chile with the Convention of Baptist Churches-Chilean Mission in ministries of economic and leadership development. Their primary focus is with Mapuche churches in southern Chile. They struggle with severe poverty, lack of sustainable livelihoods, and the debilitating, culture-eroding effects of centuries of domination. Their vision is to see Mapuche churches that are strong in their identity, not ashamed of their culture, much less of the gospel, and so better equipped to do Christ-like ministry in the Mapuche way.


They write: Greetings from Thailand!  We have been in Chiang Mai, Thailand since Jan. 2, taking part in a microfinance training event sponsored by the New Life Center, where IM missionaries Karen Smith and Kit Ripley serve.  For some time, they’ve been interested in ways microfinance and microcredit enterprise development services might meet the needs of the Hill Tribes and rural Thailand people, and enhance the New Life Center’s ministries. 


An International Ministries supporter wants to help IM missionaries enhance their skills and knowledge in Micro-Enterprise Development and Micro-Finance services. With these skills we can help our partner churches develop effective ministries that actually transform lives and communities, all in the name of Jesus Christ. We were invited to participate in this training and here we are, at no expense to IM. Solidly based on biblical principles, the information and training we have received is very practical. We are already thinking of many ways we want to put it in practice to expand and enhance our ministries in Chile. We especially want to focus on facilitating groups in the Mapuche churches and communities that will gather to save money and obtain small loans to start businesses and meet family needs.  Also, we have received helpful materials to teach and train low-income people in small business skills. 
