International Ministries


January 24, 2010 Journal
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Prayer and Praise for January, 2010

The biggest event for us this month will be the celebration for the opening of our new buildings on January 23.   All of us here at the IMEMF office would appreciate your prayers as we attend to the many details that are involved in the worship celebration and lunch.  We have much to be thankful for, and we want to plan a time that will be God-honoring.  We also don’t want to overlook anyone who has had a part in seeing this dream come to fruition.  So many of our Christian brothers and sisters have given and prayed us through this process—we want each one to know how thankful we are for them too!  And one exciting addition to the ceremony—after we learned the grant for the daycare/boys dorm has been given, we now plan to lay the cornerstone as we start that phase of the building project.


Praise and Prayer Points:

·         A real praise is that Dr. Wayne Paulsen will bring a team of 17 Baptist friends from the US in January.  They will be doing some work projects as well as some fun things with both the House of Love and House of Blessing children.  But I am really glad that they will be able to join in on our celebration on Jan.23 as the Baptist churches in America have been such a support to us during this whole building process.

·         You may remember that I recently celebrated my 25th anniversary of being commissioned as a Baptist missionary.  Well, this past month I was invited to speak at two 50th anniversaries.  One was at the Karen hostel in MaeSariang, and the other was a Christian school and hostel in Chiang Rai called Sahasartsuksa.  Both of these were started by Baptist missionaries, and both have had a long-term impact on the tribal communities here in northern Thailand by enabling tribal youth to have access to education.  When I think of the many years that American Baptist churches have been giving to the work here in Thailand, I can’t help but feel grateful.  Please join me in praising God for the longevity of these two projects. 

·         The flu season has hit the House of Love hard over the school break (as far as we know, it is not H1N1). Please join us in praying for a return to health for the HOL children as well as praying the daycare children stay healthy too.

·         The Health Project staff are working on annual reports.  The details can be tedious, but it is also a time of thanksgiving as we see what God has done in the past year through the HPTP.  Please be praying all of the needed reports are finished in a timely way.

·         Khruu Roslyn, one of the Karen teachers at the House of Blessing gave birth to a healthy son, Dapo, over the Christmas break.  She will be home on maternity leave for the next 3 months, so we ask that you pray for Khruu Kanchana and Khruu Rae who will be teaching the daycare children with help from our staff.