International Ministries

Keep on Believin’

March 15, 2010 Journal
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 Sr. High Chapel Message, 1/27/10

 I’m reading a book about adolescence because my kids are adolescents. I found out that the teen years are very unusual. Did you know that your emotions are stronger while you are a teenager? So it isn’t your imagination that everything feels extreme.

I also found out the biggest danger during teen years is the feeling of hopelessness called inferiority. Perhaps you are like 80% of American teenagers who don’t like the way they look. Or maybe you think you’re stupid. Or you think you’re not as good as someone who has more money.

You are not alone if you feel unsatisfied with yourself, or not as good as other people or even, worthless. Look around you. Those with feelings of doubt may be shy or mean. They may be silly or stuck up. They may be afraid to participate in games or they may blush easily. Everyone fears ridicule or embarrassment! The ones who find it easy to ridicule others may be the ones with the greatest insecurity.

I grew up as one of only a handful of Asians in a Caucasian neighborhood. Then, when I was going into 9th grade, I was in a car accident. I got a huge cut on my face. The scar is still visible but then it was darker and deeper. Not only was I not tall and blond, now I had a disfiguring mark on my FACE! Meeting new people was very hard for me to do.

So, you are not alone! Is there anything you can do about it?

Angela Aki caught these feelings in her song “Tegami.” She suggests toughing it out and believing in your inner voice.

But who teaches your inner voice? I tried listening to my inner voice. My inner voice listened to the voices of popular musicians in songs and to movies. I wanted to be accepted, to be loved. I followed the world’s advice. But I didn’t find the love and acceptance they promised. The songs and movies were wrong.

What I failed to see was that I was already accepted, already loved. The God of the universe loved me. Jesus loved me and you so much that He gave all he could give, His very own life.

Angela Aki got a couple of things right in her song. She said “continue seeking” and “keep on believing.” The key is WHERE do you seek and WHO do you believe. Jesus said “Seek and you will find.” He said “Whoever believes in Me will have life abundant.”

Do you have fears that worry you? Jesus said “Don’t be anxious about your life, what you will wear…Look at the lilies in the field. They don’t do anything yet the richest man in the world isn’t dressed better than these. …can you change anything by being anxious? All the people of the world chase after these things but God knows your needs.” Matt 6:25

Ask God for help. God promises help for those who admit their weakness. If I insist on doing it myself, God will let me. Yet, He is always watching, always waiting for me and you to call out to Him.

Trusting in Jesus won’t make all your problems disappear. The happiest people in the world are not those without problems, but those who have learned to live with those things that are less than perfect.

God has given everyone of us worth. God has created everyone unique and special. What are your strengths? Balance what you lack with your strength!

Susan Boyle was a guest on Kohaku. Last year, she auditioned on a reality TV show, Britain’s Got Talent. She was a 47, not-too-attractive single. The judges on the show didn’t hide their skepticism as she came on the stage. They were almost laughing at her! Then she sang “I Dreamed a Dream”. She sings like an angel. She compensated for her weaknesses and concentrated on the strength God gave her.

Keep on believing…believe in Jesus. He is not just one of many “good” teachers. He is the only one who is all knowing, all powerful and ever present and who loves you enough to die for you.