International Ministries

Rebuilding Haitian Lives

August 26, 2010 Journal
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“My church was destroyed, but God saved my life!  At the same hour of the earthquake, if I had been in Haiti, I would have been teaching music in my church” explains Géthro, one of nine young people ministering in La Romana on the day of the quake.

Dear Friends in Christ,

“…a hundred and fifty Jews and officials ate at my table, as well as those who came to us from the surrounding nations.  …I never demanded the food allotted to the governor, because the demands were heavy on these people”  (Nehemiah 5: 17-18).

These words of Nehemiah were a living example of the widow of Rev. Jean Luc Phanord, Pastor Elza.  She is the shepherd of a Haitian congregation in La Romana in the Dominican Republic since 1999, the Missionary Baptist Church Beraca.   This past January 1st, the church began a period of 40 Days for Prayer and Fasting.  The church invited a group of musicians from the other side of the island, Haiti on January 9, 2010 to minister to the congregation through their gifts of music and preaching.  Then, just two days after these young people arrived in La Romana in the Dominican Republic, the earthquake hit Haiti on January 12th.   In minutes the country was devastated.  Many lives were lost and families separated.     

Not knowing if their families survived back home in Haiti, these young men and women continued their ministry for Jesus Christ in the Dominican Republic.   On many occasions, while they were playing their instruments and singing, we saw tears running down their faces as a living sacrifice to the Lord.  

A week later, it was time for the team to depart and go back to Haiti.  However, surviving relatives pleaded and told them that they should stay and not return because their homes were destroyed and none of them would have a place to live.  Pastor Elza’s house became a house of refuge where these nine young people stayed and ate at Elza’s table.  She could not demand anything from them because they did not have anything to give to her.  Months passed and the musicians were under the responsibility of Elza.  

During those months, Vital and I were traveling to Haiti every week and witnessed first-hand the hopelessness in the lives of the young men, especially those ages 19-30.  For Haitians, there was now even less hope for the future.

In the meantime, back in the Dominican Republic, the Lord gave us these nine young lives full of energy and talent.  “What can we do, Lord?”  The Lord put in Vital’s heart the vision to challenge these young people to go as missionaries to the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua to teach music, start Christian bands and attend school at the University in Bluefields.  Their eyes were now opened to something new…….something beyond the devastation they were continually seeing on the television.  The walls of their lives were starting to be built up again even though their home city, Port-au-Prince, was in ruins.

We shared this vision with José Norat, our Area Director from International Ministries. We explained the situation and he recommended that we fill out a Grant Application for Leadership Development.  The grants have now been completed and will soon be on their way to IM for evaluation.   

Six of the young people, including the youngest, have accepted the call to serve the Lord in Nicaragua.  These young people will need to raise $850 each; $500 for travel and $350 to legalize their paperwork before they can depart on their mission.  

We’re hoping you can help!  We are asking you to share your resources like Nehemiah and Elza to help build the lives of these six (6) Haitian young people.  At the same time, you will build the lives of many Haitians because they will eventually return to Haiti after their studies and help rebuild their country.  

You could pray as Nehemiah:  Remember me with favor, O my God, for all I have done for these people”  (Nehemiah 5:19).

Vital and I deeply appreciate you taking the time to read our letters and the prayers you offer on our behalf.  We realize the needs are many and at times seem overwhelming.  However, we want you to know that God continues to bless and use this ministry in a mighty way.  The peoples of Nicaragua, Haiti and the Dominican Republic are being reached with the person and love of Jesus Christ. We thank you for your help in making that possible!   

In closing this letter, we ask that you join us in praying for these young Haitians who are embarking on the mission of their lives. We ask that you send a love gift to assist in paying for their travel and legalization expenses through International Ministries.     

We trust God is continuing to bless you, our extended family in Christ, and hope to hear from you soon.

In Christ,

Ketly and Vital Pierre

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