International Ministries

Back in Bluefields

November 5, 2010 Journal
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Dear Friends,

As of the first of October, we’re back in Nicaragua and thankful to be home. We’re recuperating from months of both physically and spiritually demanding work. Because of the earthquake in Haiti in January, 2010, we’ve endured a year of unexpected challenges. International Ministries requested we serve several months of our deputation year in Haiti to assist in the earthquake relief work and to help the new missionary, Deliris Carrion, get established. Finally after returning home to Bluefields, we’re catching up on some much-needed rest, visiting and reconnecting with the people of Nicaragua, and devoting time to church, Bible studies, prayer, and fasting.

Updates on Our Four Churches

In Bluefields, three of the four young Haitian men mentioned in our last newsletter (who will be studying at the University in Bluefields) are engaged and will be getting married. The responsibilities of the four have quickly multiplied. All of their airline tickets have been paid for, but the $2000-$2300 per year tuition is still a major need and prayer concern. These young people are musicians who will greatly impact the ministry at the church by teaching music and starting Christian bands while they’re students in Nicaragua. After completing their studies in 4 or 5 years, they’ll return to their native Haiti as missionaries. We’d appreciate your prayers for these young people.

AWANA club is another important ministry in Bluefields.  Every Saturday afternoon, more than 100 children go to the church for several hours of activities, games, and Bible study all designed to help young people mature in Christ. The participation in this ministry has also helped the church membership to grow spiritually as well.

Many things continue to go well in Bluefields. We praise the Lord for the leadership who, though young in ministry, shouldered enormous responsibility in our absence. One example is Natalie Carpenter, a young lady from Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. She is in Nicaragua for a year working in the daycare and teaching English to the children. A few prayer concerns for the church in Bluefields include the need for a new kitchen, and the bus used to transport the children to church and events is in need of repair.

Onell and Escarlet in Bluefields are expecting their first child in February, and are moving to Rama to assist with the expansion of the ministry at this church plant.

At Kukra Hill, Joel Garcia is the young pastor and school director. He is an excellent teacher, and has been very busy with the church/school while finishing seminary going to classes every Saturday in Managua. Even with many troubled students, the school is thriving and has a very low drop-out rate compared to the over 50% drop-out rate in the public schools. Pastor Stewart from Scotland, the interim pastor at Bluefields while we were away, will be relocating to Kukra Hill to assist Pastor Joel.

In Rama, Alberto and Argentina Fletes are serving as well. EMI (Engineering Ministries International) from Colorado Springs will arrive in Rama the first week of February, when then construction for the church/school is scheduled to begin. Construction teams are needed, so prayerfully consider a mission trip to assist our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua.

In Muelle de los Bueyes (which means "Bull's Wharf"), we will do our fourth church plant. Mario and Adriana Acuna in Managua will be sent as missionaries (along with other members of Bethel churches) at the beginning of next year to start this fourth Spanish-speaking Baptist Church of the Baptist Convention on the South Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. Once a house is rented, the church and after-school program will begin. As for our other three church plants, this new church plant is located in an area where there are no existing Baptist Convention churches.

Requests for Our Support

For these ministries to be effective for the cause of Christ, we need your continued support. First, personally make these ministries a part of your daily prayers. Please continue to give financially as God enables you. Encourage others and your churches to come to Nicaragua and work alongside us. We are in desperate need of construction teams. Help us enlist additional partners who will pray for, support, and participate in our ministry.

God bless you, and thank you for your willingness to see the love of Jesus shared with all.

In Christ,

Ketly and Vital Pierre

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(Note:  The text is this newsletter was written by Melodie Ellsworth on behalf of the Pierre’s after conducting an interview with them prior to the newsletter’s publication on November 5, 2010.)