International Ministries

Praying in Yokohama Part 2

March 14, 2011 Journal
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Dear Friends,

We just had another earthquake ~M6 centered in Shizuoka (~80 miles away) about an hour ago 10:32 PM JST. It lasted about 10 seconds. We are OK. No tsunami warning has been issued. Bullet train service in Kanagawa and Shizuoka are temporarily suspended.

Today, Gordon (with Naomi's help) prepared his Japanese tax return. He and Naomi went to the tax office together. The tax office was busy but there were plenty of helpers there. Thankfully, we met one tax worker who spoke English! Today was the last day for submitting the forms and paying taxes.

Worries about nuclear melt-down at the Fukushima plants are causing some concerns here. Those that have opportunity are leaving the area. We are about 350 miles from the power plants. However, today the wind changed and radiation levels are elevated but still in the safe range and we are assured there is no health danger.

Please continue to pray for us and our Japanese friends. Please pray especially for those who are in need for rescue and the rescue workers. Two people were reported rescued today! (96 hours after the quake/tsunami)

Thanks for all your messages and prayers.

With His Love,

Gordon and Lee Ann

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