International Ministries

God is Here in Japan

March 15, 2011 Journal
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Dear praying friends,

Thank you for your prayers and concern! Please continue to PRAY! Pray that God will use this disaster and the uncertainty it is creating to draw people to Himself.

We continue to feel tremors from earthquakes and aftershocks. Japan is so tech savy that we get alerts on the TV, the internet and cell phones seconds before something hits.

The world is so connected that we are getting second by second reports and photos of anything that a news reporter deems newsworthy. This all feeds a sense of fear and helplessness. People are stockpiling food and fuel as evidenced by empty rice and instant noodle shelves in the stores and gas stations closed because they are out of fuel.

We are hearing of ex-pats relocating. A former colleague informed us he and his family had moved to Osaka and about 80 students from one international school had pulled out.

God is here. There is no rioting or looting. People still wait in lines. People are evidently making decisions to reduce power usage because we have not had the rolling blackouts yet. Many schools have closed, canceling graduation ceremonies and other end of year and spring break activities.

God is here, but most people in Japan do not recognize Him. Please PRAY.

I'm sorry if I don't answer all your e-mails. My in box has been much more active in the past 4 days than ever. We DO appreciate your concern and offers of help! We can't think of anything that would be more helpful than prayer.

We hope to keep you informed as to our condition. Gordon sometimes posts things on the IM website so you could try there, too. We are not particularly organized but may get better with practice. I'm also trying to figure out if I should use facebook, however, I'm not keen on spending too much time sitting in front of the computer. Life still goes on. :)

much love,

Lee Ann for the Hwangs


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