International Ministries

Medical Shortage on the Edge of Evacuation Zone

March 20, 2011 Journal

Received Saturday, March 19, 2011

Iwaki city, just on the 20 km point from Fukushima atomic power plant is now facing a problem.  Iwaki city itself was hit by earthquake and tsunami and many people there got killed.  But, now more and more people are coming to Iwaki from there places.  These people are earthquake/tsunami victims and people evacuated from within 20 km area of Fukushima atomic power plant.  Now they do not have enough medicines/ medical doctors and nurses.  Because it is on the boarder of 20 km area, people there themselves are leaving Iwaki and about 1/3 of medical doctors and nurses in Iwaki already left there.  But more and more people are also coming to Iwaki.  We have JBU church, Taira Baptist church, there.


The rate of radiation has been not going up last 24 hours.  They are watering from the land and the sky. 


Also they are trying to get electricity to use water pump to cool the core down.  It is a very difficult work and very dangerous work.  The leader of this project team is a Japanese Christian.  His name is Naoyoshi Sato,  He is taking a big risk to do this project.  Please remember his name and pray for him.



Emi and Eiji Osato are Japanese missionaries working in Thailand.  They were sent by the Japan Baptist Union (JBU).

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