International Ministries

"The Sending Church"

June 29, 2011 Journal
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Dear Partners in Christ,

May the peace of the Lord be with you.  We want to express our gratitude to you for your continued prayer and financial support.  You are an essential part of the ministry in the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua.  Thank you.

“The strength of a church is in the church that sends.”  These were the last words spoken by Alberto Fletes, the shepherd of Bethel Church in Rama the evening of April 19, 2011.  Pastor Joel Garcia, one who was sent from Bethel Church in Bluefields to start a new church in Kukra Hill, was sharing the Scripture with a group of missionary students from Bethel School in Kukra Hill when these powerful words were spoken……so powerful that Ketly was compelled to write them in the back of her Bible, not knowing that these would be the last words written of Alberto.

During the Holy Week, the church in Rama received a team of doctors, nurses and teachers of African-American and Hispanic origin from California, as well as a group of young people from the Bethel Church School in Kukra Hill.  The team from California served by meeting people’s medical needs while the Church/School from Kukra Hill invested their time, talent and lives into the new construction project of the multi-purpose building (church/school) in Rama where Alberto and Argentina were sent to start a new church. It was during this week Alberto seemed to be in his best health, going up and down the hill with his bicycle and working for the Lord. But then on Sunday, April 24, 2011 Alberto laid down to take a short nap before going to Sunday School and passed into eternity.

Alberto became a part of Bethel Church 8 years ago.  Up to that time, Alberto’s priority and most important thing in his life was his business, however, that all changed when Alberto gave the Lord priority and first place in his life.  The presence of work teams from the United States to Bethel Church in Bluefields and Kukra Hill served as a valuable ministry to Alberto’s life.  Each person’s willingness to go out of their comfort zone and serve the Lord left a lasting impression. So much so, that 2 years ago when Bethel Church in Bluefields desired to plant a church in Rama, the first person to raise his hand and leave his comfort zone to go was Alberto and his wife Argentina. It was a WOW! Only God could have done that.  

Now we fully understand those last words of Alberto that were planted in our hearts.  “The strength of a church is in the church that sends”.  This strength mentioned is the strength of the Holy Spirit in our lives that transforms us to be who God wants us to be, to do what pleases Him for His glory and to go wherever He want us to go.  God’s presence will enable us to go and make disciples and produce fruit.  Just as Alberto was discipled in Bluefields, he discipled others in Rama until the Lord called him home.  We praise the Lord for Alberto and his willingness to serve Jesus Christ our Lord.

We are grateful that the work of God in Rama continues with Argentina.  The construction of the multi-purpose building continues as well.  Prayerfully consider serving on a construction team.

Please pray for:

• Argentina Fletes and family.
• The church and construction in Rama.
• The arrival of the Haitian musicians to Nicaragua in July 8th.
• Financial needs to be met for the Haitian musicians for their university studies in Nicaragua in January 2012.
• The music ministry of the churches with the Haitians.

Let us go in obedience to continue to build lives for His Kingdom at home and around the world.

In Christ,

Vital and Ketly Pierre

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