International Ministries

Updates while traveling

November 4, 2011 Journal
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Prayer and Praise for September, 2011

I am so grateful for the prayers of faithful friends and supporters—I know that praying makes a difference! Thank you for taking the time to read this prayer letter and praise and pray with us!

Praise and Prayer Points:
• September is the month when school restarts for many families, but for our kids in Thailand this month marks the end of the semester. Please be praying for our students at the House of Love (HOL) to study and do well on semester finals at the end of September.
• Please be praying for the citizenship process that is in its final steps for Ketsarin. We have spent many (many!!) hours working on this over the years, and hopefully a positive decision will be reached in the next month. Please pray that Ketsarin will be able to have an ID card that will enable her to live and work here in Thailand.
• A long-time friend from the Norway Baptists, Tone Maeland, visited in July. I did not actually see her, but I know she was a blessing to our children both at the House of Love (HOL) the House of Blessing (HOB). Tone is also the person who encourages the families of our HOB children to sign a contract so that their preschoolers do not work during the school week in exchange for practical helps like rice.
• This semester, the House of Love has 4 deaf children who study at the deaf school, and it is a real praise that the school is open to having our kids do Christian study while the others do lessons in Buddhism. Please be praying for the deaf church which had closed, but now may reopen.
• I hear the CDPD’s building project in Mae Sariang is going well—praise the Lord! Please be praying for the CDPD staff and families. This is the rainy season in Thailand, and traveling to and from villages can be very difficult if not impossible.
• I praise God for safety in all my travels during the summer. I was supposed to be at Kennett Square and Valley Forge PA but because of Hurricane Irene ended up staying in Ohio.
• I have finished 2 of my 3 months of sharing in the US, and I will return to Thailand on Sept.28. It has been good to reconnect with people here who are praying for and supporting me and our ministry in Thailand. A praise from this visit—Nok(Rachel), one of the coordinators from the HOL who has been traveling with me has greatly improved her English. We are both missing the children in Thailand and are looking forward to seeing them soon.