International Ministries

Happy New Year

January 14, 2012 Journal
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Prayer and Praise for January, 2012


Happy New Year!  I trust 2012 is off to a good start for you.  I was able to pray in the New Year with all of the women and children at the House of Love.  We had a special dinner called “moo gata” where we sit around in small groups and grill marinated meat and talk and laugh.  Delicious!  We did this until 11pm, then enjoyed ice cream and brownies, and finally together prayed as a group.  The children took turns sharing what they were thankful about, and then shared favorite Bible verses and resolutions for the New Year.  I was reminded afresh the wonderful promise of Phil. 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Each one of us here daily is reminded how it is God’s provision and strength that enables us to accomplish His good purposes.  What a perfect way to finish 2011 and greet 2012, and I believe this helps to weave prayer into the kids lives in a key way.  Please join me in rejoicing and in interceding too.


Praise and Prayer Points:

·         The House of Love (HOL) children are in the last 2 months of their school year.  Please be praying that each student finishes well (and completely—some years we find several have projects that need to be handed in before the grades can be given!)  Students in the 3rd, 6th and 9th grade have standardized tests that will be given that are important in their school records—pray for good concentration, and that each one does his/her best.

·         Relationships between moms and teenage daughters can be difficult in the best of times, but with the added dimension of AIDS, it can be problematic.  Please praise God with us that one of our HOL girl’s mom has chosen to live at the HOL, and is experiencing much better health from being on consistent medications and having good nutrition.  The mom has also been doing better emotionally, and the relationship with her daughter has improved greatly over the past 2 months.  We are seeing spiritual interest as well, and we thank God for what is happening in this mom’s life.

·         This past fall, one of my churches in Ohio expressed interest in the House of Blessing (HOB), and we were able to send them details of the ministry.  Just this week, I learned that they will be completely underwriting the costs for the HOB program for the next year.  What a praise!!

·         Another praise—we have welcomed a new teacher, Khun Taweechi—a wonderful Christian man to the Center for the Development of People with Disabilities (CDPD), and the children and staff already love him. 

·         Please be praying as I work on annual reports for all of the projects.  This is a rather complicated process as different funders have different requirements, plus this will be the first year that Amnuayporn won’t be here to help with the Thai reports.  I will also need to travel to Mae Sariang to work directly with Saylo there, so I would appreciate prayer for travelling mercies, too.   As always, I want to thank you for coming alongside me in prayer.