International Ministries

Thanking God

November 13, 2012 Journal
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Integrated Ministries for Ethnic Minorities Foundation (IMEMF)

Prayer and Praise for November, 2012

I thank my God every time I remember you!  Philippians 1:3

I love November, a month when Americans are intentionally thankful—and my heart is overflowing with gratitude to God and to each person who cares for the ethnic minorities here in northern Thailand!  Thank you for your prayers for our House of Love camp last month.  We had a wonderful 3 days, with 7 people being baptized (6 youth and 1 adult) and 3 youth recommitting their lives. The theme this year was You have Value.  Our goal was that each participant would understand he/she has value in God’s eyes.  With understanding this value, then the objective was to have everyone understand that they can change to better ways of living to reflect how precious they are to God.  We wanted to help with spiritual growth and to teach them to learn to serve others, and the teaching and all activities reflected that.  It was an exciting time of good teaching, fun times, and responsive hearts.  Thank you for praying!



·         The Center for the Development of People with Disabilities (CDPD) is thankful for a new reliable car.  And they are happy to welcome 2 Finnish interns!

·         The House of Love (HOL) family is thankful for a wonderful October break!  Besides camp, many were able to travel to visit relatives.  The weather has also been beautiful, a plus for outdoor activities.

·         The House of Blessing (HOB) daycare is thankful for a new Japanese consular representative who is deeply interested in the plight of the families served by the HOB.  (You may remember that a grant from the Japanese government provided the funding for the day care building.

Prayer Points:

·         Many of you know Da, the first child that came to the House of Love.  I am writing to ask you to pray especially for her as she is emotionally fragile right now, facing the reality that she does not have a single person that she knows as a blood relative.  This is always more difficult during break times, when other children have aunts or uncles to visit.  While she knows I am here for her, and she has her HOL family, it can be lonely.  Pray God will meet her in this time, and that Da will have a deep understanding of God as Father.

·         Our intern at the House of Blessing daycare, Casey, had a dog attack her when she was out running, and had to have 20 stitches.  Please pray for complete healing for her.

·         November is a busy time paperwork-wise.  Please pray the IMEMF staff can all do their parts so that no one feels burdened by the work.

·         November means everyone is back at school—please pray that all the children we work with will each be diligent in their studies.  Pray especially for 3 of our teens who are in the critical 9th grade year that determines what kind of schooling options will be open when they graduate in March.