International Ministries

Pray for: Dan and Sarah Chetti, Lebanon

January 29, 2008 PrayerCall

ChettidanDear friends and faithful partners in our Ministry:

Sarah and I received our resident permits for Lebanon. We are leaving for Beirut on Tuesday, Jan. 29. Christmas.JPGWe just want to thank the Lord for His grace and provision for the past year in the US. Though we were very busy with deputation and our visit to Valley Forge until December, we felt God's protection and leading in all matters personal and professional. We thank God for your faithfulness and loving support.

We shall be sending our Newsletters BEIRUT BUZZ periodically. Hopefully, you will also receive updates, prayer requests, and praise items through our MPT (Missionary partnership Team). Launched in late August, the team is quickly getting knit together as one in spirit and purpose.