International Ministries

Pray for: Judith Sutterlin, China

January 12, 2008 PrayerCall

As an Amity teacher at Nanjing Xiao Zhuang College, Judith is involved in the training of future secondary school teachers, some of whom are from small towns and rural areas in Jiangsu Province. She finds that dedicated caring for each student and giving beyond the call of duty provides its own witness as people notice the difference. Seeking to live out a Christ-like witness of love is a positive challenge and a growing experience with rich rewards.

Judith writes: This month, I celebrated with the Amity Foundation, the China Christian Council and the United Bible Societies (UBS) the printing of the 50-millionth Bible to come off their presses in Nanjing since 1987. At the same time, I witnessed the signing of the next 10-year extension agreement between the UBS and the Amity Foundation in this ministry to share God's word in China and around the world.

Yes, of the 50 million, more than 41 million in Chinese and in languages of minority nationalities in China were printed for people right in China, while the additional almost nine million were printed for Bible Societies in other countries around the world. I also had the opportunity to see the new, larger printing plant that will soon be completed and will double printing capacity in the future. Through the Amity Printing Company, China may, in fact, become the largest printer of Bibles in the world, both for the people of China and for the people of the world. The good news is continuing to spread.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->·<!--[endif]-->Pray for Judith as she continues to teach and influences the lives of her students.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->·<!--[endif]-->Pray for the continued spread of God’s Word and work in China.