International Ministries

67%: Two-thirds and the battle of waiting

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My mother always said, "Only boring people get bored."

I don't think I'm boring, but right now I feel something akin to boredom.  It's like a vacuum.  Here we are, stuck in Illinois, when we are wanted in Liberia, when we want to be in Liberia.  I really thought by now we'd be there.

Since last October, we have been endorsed to raise resources to fund our mission.  They told us it would take a long time, and they've told us that we're doing very well, even


So, in the spirit of being still and knowing that God is God, we will continue visiting churches, meeting wonderful supporters and having mountain-top Sundays and steady weekdays, and expecting to see what God is up to in the interim!

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.