International Ministries

School Days...

August 14, 2013 Journal
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I am a teacher with no classes this fall.

As we enter August and the stores roll out their school supplies, I usually groan inside (where did summer go??) but then begin preparing for the new school year. Every year brings the excitement of a fresh start, trying new tips and strategies for teaching and discipline. What will be the new policies? Which classes will I teach? Who is on my roster? How will I set up my classroom this year? This fall, as my teacher friends begin these discussions, it is strange that I am not participating.

As of August 1, Larry and I became members of the International Ministries team. We will spend this fall completing our church visits and building the remainder of our support.

Across the ocean, my new classroom awaits.  At Ricks Institute, students are taking placement exams and having their medical evaluations. Classes begin September 9. A girls' dorm has been renovated, and the Liberia's president, Ellen Sirleaf Johnson was at the dedication ceremony! She recognizes and promotes the value of girls receiving an education. (Parenthetically, she is the first female to be elected head of state in Africa, AND a Harvard graduate.) You can see pictures on the Ricks website:

In the pictures, I see Ricks staff members I know sitting near the President. And I missed it!

I thought I'd be there by now.

Thank you so much, those of you who have supported us, many of you from the very beginning. Thank you, churches, who have welcomed us Sunday after Sunday, opening your arms of fellowship and putting us in your mission budgets. It's amazing to pull up to a place you've never been and finding your name on the marquee and in the bulletin, beautiful smiles on greeters' faces, "You must be our speakers this morning! Come in, and make yourself at home." These are amazing times I wouldn't trade for anything, especially because I know these church families and friends will be sustaining us once we are in Liberia.

But I sure would like to be teaching this fall.

What grades will I teach? What books will we use? How will I teach without a computer/projector? (I hear older teachers laughing!) How is disciplined handled? How do I prepare my students for the Africa exams, held several times annually? What can I give them to improve their lives? At Ricks, I will share the love of Christ--as I did in the States, but this time the Bible is more than literature, and Jesus is more than just an historical figure.

Only Jesus can give the truly abundant life, here or in Liberia. And only God the Father knows when I will begin my first day of classes at Ricks. Perhaps the Holy Spirit is prompting you to help us get there. Please follow His guidance. I may be biased, but I do think this is an awesome ministry with which you may partner!