International Ministries

Be Still .... and Celebrate

October 1, 2013 Journal
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Prayer and Praise for September, 2013

Be still and know that I am God. Ps. 46:10 has been my lifeline as I have been working hard to get ready for my home assignment time.  There have been so many things happening here in Chiang Mai that I have barely prepared for speaking and sharing in the US for the next three months.  Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed, it has been good for me to still my heart and focus on God.  I know it is also good for me to share my urgent prayer needs as I begin this time in America.  Please be praying that I exit well—because Khun Nok, the administrator for the House of Love will come with me, we have had to divide our duties amongst many staff members.  Please pray that each person will be diligent in their work.  Pray for the health and safety of each of our kids—in the HOL and HOB, as well as CDPD.  I still have many details that need to be worked out for my US time—please pray for this process.  Thank you for your ministry of prayer!  Here are some other prayer and praises:

·         The Christian Center for the Development of People with Disabilities (CDPD) enjoyed a special celebration on Aug. 10 marking 12 years of serving people with disabilities.  It was a wonderful time of thanking God for all He has done. 

·         The House of Blessing (HOB) has hired a new preschool teacher.  Please pray as children and staff welcome her. 

·         The House of Love (HOL) kids have started attending at a new church, and 5 of them have become an integral part of the worship team.  It is exciting to see them mature in their faith as they serve in this way.  Some of our students were in a 300 voice choir for a city-wide prayer event that was held in August.  I praise God for how He draws these young adults to Himself!

·         Thailand is facing an epidemic of dengue fever.  Many of our House of Blessing (HOB) children are especially at risk during this rainy season as they live in slums that are easily flooded, and live along dirty canals that all provide spots for many mosquitoes.  Thankfully, I am the only one to become sick this rainy season, but I ask that you pray for all of our kids to stay well.

·         Another praise—Da loves Bible school, has made new friends, and is enjoying the studies!  A few of the staff have been able to visit her in this new environment, and we praise God she has adjusted so well!