International Ministries

Pray for: Nancy and Stephen James, Haiti

March 11, 2008 PrayerCall

James_family2007Steve and Nancy do medical work in different clinics in Haiti under the sponsorship of the Haitian Baptist Convention.

They write: A young man, Fritzner, lay on the exam table with his family nearby. His large brown eyes were in stark contrast to his gaunt face and hallow cheeks. Steve palpated his distended abdomen. Just a slight touch brought him excruciating pain. He had been sick for many weeks, having gone to doctors and clinics over the past month for continuing abdominal pain. Now he came for help at Ebenezer Clinic.

After an exam and tests it was determined that he had peritonitis most likely due to a ruptured appendix. His low blood pressure and weak, rapid pulse meant he was close to death. His only hope was preoperative fluid resuscitation and emergency surgery. Steve urged them to take him to the government hospital in Cap Haitian. Pain medicines were given. We told the young man and his family his diagnosis and prognosis and asked if they would like us to pray together for him. They said they would and we bowed our heads and committed him to the Lord.

Most people travel these days on the back of motor cycle taxi’s which take them to local buses or trucks. My heart fell as I saw them put this very weak man between the driver, his sister and his brother behind him - four people on a motor bike on a bumpy dirt road, where every bump was surely torture for him. We prayed it wasn’t too late to save their brother. I breathed a prayer for protection as they careened out of sight.

• Please pray for access to emergency surgery for the poor in Haiti.

• Pray for Nancy and Steve as they minister help and healing in the name of Jesus to the people of Haiti.