International Ministries


February 16, 2014 Journal
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Wow! What a night, what a crowd, what joy, what a mighty God we serve!

We were so blessed by our commissioning. This event is like the wedding vows of missionary life: we stood before our church, family, friends and partners and, led by IM Board President Reg Mills, we reaffirmed our faith in Jesus Christ and our willingness to serve him in Liberia, to worship with our national partners there, to pursue our spiritual growth and nourishment while on the field, and to fulfill the duties that IM has asked us to do.

This is a daunting task! But we told over and over last night that we are capable ONLY with God’s help. And in a beautiful, formal yet personal ceremony, our pastors, friends and family vowed to come along side us, to help us fulfill this calling. It was so lovely.

Thank you for making this BIG day possible for us: your prayers, support, encouragement, love and faith helped us come to this joyous milestone in our journey with IM. If not for you and your dedicated, consistent support and the Spirit’s power we would not be where we are right now.