International Ministries

Small Small--Our Work Has Begun!

April 28, 2014 Journal
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Larry has been working with the maintenance men since we got here. He has been learning the men’s names and trades and discovering how things get fixed around Ricks! Thank you again for your financial partnership and support that makes the work possible--check it out:

Larry found out that before the war there was a trash dump located just off campus, and a system was in place to collect the school and homes' trash. He is working now to restore that. They’ve been burning a huge trash pile between the school and the girls' dorm, and all week they've been clearing the road (with machetes!) to the old dump.

I'm especially excited about the improvements he's making to the elementary school! Larry had seats installed on the toilets and had the men dig a water line to the building. The plumbers posed for a picture next to the two sinks they installed.  The men also brightened up the place, installing new light bulbs and running wiring for classrooms that didn’t have fixtures.

I have observed a few classes at the high school, and I found many similarities and differences to American high schools. I've asked several other instructors if I can sit in their classes so I can master Liberian teaching, and all have been very welcoming. I led a workshop one Saturday for the honor society on campus, the Ricks Ambassadors, about excellence in public speaking. I really enjoyed sharing with these students.

It's been a great joy to walk around campus with our children and see the sheer joy and excitement on everyone's faces.  Everyone wants to pet them, talk to them, and get smiles and waves--especially from Brandy. One of the most touching things I've had people say is, "Thank you for the children." We pray our presence gives them hope and encouragement!