International Ministries

Pray for our 12th Graders!

May 18, 2014 Journal
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Pray for our 12th Graders

This week at Ricks and all across West Africa, high school seniors will sit for their West African Exam Counsel (WAEC) final exams. This important test will determine their graduation and college entrance. The exams will take four days, and all other students have gone home. Sixth period (the last term of the school year) resumes May 26. Graduation is June 29.

Students are tested in nine core subjects: math, English, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, geography, literature and history. I found previous years’ test questions online and distributed them to the seniors last week. I made myself available in the library and after school for them to get the copies, view the website and give tips for success on the English and literature exams. There are forty-three members of the senior class at Ricks. I ask for prayer especially for those who first took the initiative to introduce themselves to me and ask for help: Edward, Corina and Comfort. Edward and Comfort even helped collate and staple papers and stand out as leaders trying to persuade others to come for help. Corina entertained my girls while I led the after-school meeting. She had already seen the web site and received her copies. I asked what her post-graduation plans were: she hopes to attend the University of Liberia. I asked if she had applied yet, and she said they must wait for the results of the WAEC. Much is riding on the performance of this week.

Dr. Menjay announced Ricks Institute has been given one full scholarship to a university in Nigeria; high performance on this WAEC exam is a prerequisite. Our students dream of getting jobs to support their families and rebuild Liberia, but this is a serious challenge in a country with 85% unemployment. Most businesses here aside from the single-stall fruit markets are operated by Lebanese, and most of their products are made in China. What a shame that most money made here in Liberia leaves the country!  Where are the future store owners, electrical engineers, architects, journalists, excavators, teachers, plumbers, farmers? Liberia needs them. 

Share your prayers and encouragement with the seniors at I’d love to share your love!