International Ministries

Meeting my new family

July 19, 2014 Journal
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Last week I had the wonderful experience of meeting and spending time with my new family of American Baptist missionaries at our All Staff Gathering at Green Lake, WI. I found myself swept up by waves of encouragement and love by so many faithful, called servants of the Lord from all over the world. 

Throughout my time of discerning and applying to International Ministries, God has given me the image of a plant being replanted in a bed of flowers. I have often seen myself as that plant, watered and fertilized by my faithful friends and family at my home church, Epic Church, in Fullerton, CA. My parents, George and Lily, have also poured into me their intense peace in the God's sovereignty. And God, through His Spirit, continues to walk with me, grow me through His pruning and love, and give me safe places to rejoice. 

God is replanting me into this bed of flowers, the family of American Baptist missionaries, friends, and partners in ministry. I know this is family because they have shared my tears and they have embraced my laughter to be part of their own. 

A long time ago, I asked God to give me a people to love, a place/country to bless, and an organization to serve with. I am so grateful God has answered my prayers through International Ministries. 

I wait in excitement to meet more brothers and sisters of this great family at the World Missions Conference this week!! 

If you're here at Green Lake, I can't wait to hear your stories and share tears and laughter. I personally invite you to hear about IM's newest missionaries at the "Rising Servants" workshops on Tuesday and Friday. I also invite you to join me during one following devotional times this week where we will join our hearts to pray for Syrian refugees. 

Hope to see you soon! 
Safe travels to the World Missions Conference! 

Morning devotionals with Melanie: 
Tues. 7/22,  7am - Chapel Car Grace 
Wed. 7/23, 8am - Lone Tree Point 
Thurs. 7/24, 7am - Roger Williams Inn Patio 
Fri. 7/25, 8am - Rose Garden