International Ministries

Hoping Liberia, Serving Hungary

October 22, 2014 Journal
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While we were waiting...God was working.

We are excited to announce our temporary reassignment to Hungary!

International Ministries' partner Hungarian Baptist Aid has been given the operation of almost fifty schools. They are seeking English-speaking teachers, and the facilities need upkeep and repair. We have accepted the invitation.

We feel this is our Macedonian call. In the 16th chapter of Acts, Paul and his companions were prevented from going into Asia. Paul had a vision in the night of a man from Macedonia saying, "Come over here and help us!"

We have been prevented from going back into Liberia at this time. We are heart-broken for our friends but praying steadily that God will continue to protect the Ricks campus from the Ebola outbreak. As we have been waiting, dumb-founded that our short missionary careers would be stymied, God was working.

He knows the needs everywhere, and He calls us to serve everywhere.

We will serve in Hungary for one year, and at that time reevaluate our return to Liberia. Hungarian Baptist Aid made itself known in Eastern Europe with its disaster relief outreach. Wouldn't it be awesome if Larry was able to join the Hungarian Baptist disaster relief teams? They also host summer camps for many young Hungarians and immigrants who do not know Jesus. Please pray that the Spirit continues directing us to those He wants us to serve.

Here is an awesome video on YouTube of the HBU schools: We will work with schools in Debrecen and Teglas.

One more interesting "coincidence": the chancellor of the university in Debrecen has asked their West African students not to go home for Christmas break because of the Ebola outbreak. The university has 740 West African students! Pray that we can fellowship with some of those students over the holidays. Isn't that remarkable?

He knows the need everywhere, and He calls us to serve everywhere.