International Ministries

Grads and Dads in March

March 30, 2015 Journal
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            Did you know Japanese students have Junior High School graduation ceremonies, and it is a big deal? I first was surprised at kindergarten graduation when Matthew completed his first year in Japan. All the parents were dressed in suits or kimono for the ceremony at Soshin Kindergarten. Then, during the ceremony, I hear a little sniffling, and many of the moms are crying. I could almost feel their joy and sadness as their baby was growing up! Now, at the end of compulsory education in Japan, our children are becoming young adults (the age of adulthood in Japan is 20). It is graduation time at Matsumoto Junior High School! The parents are sniffling again and I am with them.  It is another proud moment for us.

            In contrast, last week my friends and I, Mr. M and Mr. J, had fellowship together. We all attend Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) and Mr. M wanted to talk. He is a part-time English teacher in his 50s. Four years ago, he lost his full-time teaching position when their school closed. Since then, he and his family have struggled financially. This is the time of year when schools and companies will lay-off workers, or in this case, not renew the annual contract. Now, he is losing one of his part-time jobs and is looking for work. After Mr. M shared, we tried to encourage him and prayed with him.

Afterward, he appreciated our prayers. Many men in Japan, when faced with loss of a job, become isolated and depressed. They cannot talk with their family or their former co-workers.  Losing a job brings a burden of shame and financial helplessness. He said he felt encouraged and blessed to have support and prayers. I could see he is carrying a big burden, and after praying, his face was brighter. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 NIV

Grads and Dads may see March in Japan from very different perspectives, but God is in our midst with His perspective. If we have God's perspective, we can have hope.

It is an honor to serve in Japan and pray for Japanese brothers like Mr. M. We could not be here without your support and partnership. Thank you to those who are praying and giving toward our ministry. We are still below our 100% goal for pledged financial support. Would you prayerfully consider making a monthly gift to help sustain our ministry?

 You can give online and set up a recurring payment through your credit card or bank account,

We are happy to announce a Matching Gift Opportunity between April 15 and June 15, 2015. Gifts to IM from new individual donors (or existing donors that give above their regular pledge) will be matched and doubled until June 15, 2015 or when the Challenge Fund (currently $130,000) is depleted – whichever comes first. Note: churches and church related groups are not included in this opportunity. See this webpage for details:

May you continue to be blessed this Easter as we celebrate Jesus' victory over death!

With Love and Thanks,

Gordon (and Lee Ann) Hwang