International Ministries

Stanton Global Servants

April 21, 2015 Journal
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Dear friends,

When we came to Hungary, we agreed to serve for a school year. Shortly after we arrived we learned that International Ministries has chosen to focus on Hungary for the 2015 World Mission Offering. With our leadership looking at the needs of the Hungarians, we started asking God if we had been brought here for more.

After much prayer and consultation with IM leadership, we write to announce we have accepted the invitation to remain in Hungary. We plan to serve until our year of assignment in the U.S./Puerto Rico, currently scheduled for April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2019. A determination about our future ministry will be made at that time.

Our area director, Charles Jones, said:

“A key factor in Larry’s and Becky’s consideration are the good relationships that God is enabling them to begin to form in Téglás and Debrecen, at the schools where Becky is teaching, and in the wider community and with colleagues at the church they attend in Debrecen. They see the potential for Christian witness and service; and I agree with their estimation that it will not be good for them to leave so quickly. If they did, it could make it more difficult for the next missionaries to gain trust and build friendships! It is our prayer that God will use Larry and Becky to draw others to saving faith in our risen Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ! We trust that they are being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, bringing God’s love and loving care to people in need.

I also need to tell you that I know that this was/is not an easy choice for Larry and Becky; because I know how very much they care for Liberia and their friends there! However, God is working in their current circumstances and opening up opportunities for them to begin to build relationships and be witnesses in places where the Good News is so clearly needed – and had not been communicated for a long time!

We trust that God is working through all of this, for God’s glory, our benefit, and the salvation of the nations. This makes me appreciate their decision to remain in Hungary even more!”

We are merging our Facebook page Hoping Liberia with a new page, Stanton Global Servants, because we want to be willing to serve where the Holy Spirit leads us.

We continue to need your prayer and financial support to complete this mission. A new Matched Giving Opportunity began April 15—watch for information from IM and please pray about making a donation. Follow this link to the page for details:

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support!