International Ministries

May 8, 2009: ABMen at Work!

May 7, 2015 Journal
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Where were you six years ago this week? If you were with us in southern Illinois, you were in the middle of a week-long power outage and mess following the May 8, 2009 storm. Larry was just reflecting on this very important date and wanted to share with you.

About a month before the storm, Larry attended an Area 4 American Baptist Men’s meeting. A retired Air Force meteorologist, Ron Haynes was the guest speaker. With tears streaming down his cheeks, Ron talked about the wonderful people he worked with and served on the ABM Disaster Relief Team. ABMen give their time and hard work to victims of tornados, ice storms and floods, and are present with those grieving and in shock. Larry was so inspired that he signed up to be a member, trading $10 for a bright orange t-shirt and the promise that if a disaster struck in his hometown, the men would be there to help clean it up.

And disaster came!

Ron and Van Peters led teams of ABMen through Herrin and Murphysboro, chain-sawing and clearing yards. He met Rev. Jim Harkness and one of his deacons who had just entered the ABC ordination process, our future pastor and dear friend John Pitchford.

The terrible storm that did so much damage across the area was one of the greatest blessings to our spiritual lives.

Larry’s work with the ABMen has showed him a tangible way men can use their practical skills to help neighbors in need. He experienced the joy of doing hard work for Jesus, gladly pointing to the Savior when people try to thank him. The storm brought Larry brothers in faith who have prayed with him in many life storms since.

The story doesn't end with the storm. These men are now members of our MPT (Missionary Partnership Team).

What if trials of this life

 The rain, the storms, the hardest nights

 Are your mercies in disguise?

~Laura Story, “Blessings”