International Ministries

Heart on Handkerchief

September 13, 2016 Journal
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Here’s my catch up journal for July!

M-chan and U-chan are best friends and regularly attended our Friday Bible study. M-chan is going to the States for 10 months (see 2nd picture) with an exchange program. Their moms came for the bon-voyage party. After dinner we were able to talk with U-chan's mother. She was very happy to come to our home but she felt self-conscious about her handkerchief (see picture). She is wearing a handkerchief because she lost her hair during chemo and she had accidentally left her wig at the train station while looking for something in her purse. Although she was cancer free for several years, the doctor discovered that cancer had returned. We offered to pray for her and she accepted. We paused and laid hands on her for prayer. Afterward, she was smiling and said she had given up praying when she was diagnosed with cancer the second time. Although she is not a Christian yet, she prays to Jesus. She has attended Christian schools and church. Now, she is open to praying again. Would you please pray for her, too?

Sometimes we wear our hearts on our sleeves, but in Japan this is unusual. Most of the time our Japanese friends are very private with their struggles. It may be considered a burden to share a struggle with another person. This night, the Lord allowed us to see U-chan’s mother's heart on her handkerchief. Now, I think her burden is a little lighter because she shared it with us and with God. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Please excuse me while I write my August journal. Stay tuned next week!

Thanks for your prayers and support! 

May the Lord continue to richly bless you!

With Thanks and much Love,

Gordon and Lee Ann Hwang