International Ministries

Peek-a-Boo, God sees You!

October 30, 2016 Journal
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Sometimes, I get a nudge from God. This time it was during the worship service “altar call” to peek at those who may respond. (We usually have our eyes closed during this time for privacy.) Two rows in front of us, a woman raises her hand when asked,  “Raise your hand, if you want to receive Jesus into your heart.” Something was familiar about her, but I could not see her face. Later, I found out she is N-chan’s mother.

N-chan is Matthew’s friend from Matsumoto Junior High School. They started with a common hobby, Mini-4WD motorized cars in October 2013. N-chan came to our Bible study because Matt and his friend, H-kun invited him. N-chan regularly came to our Bible study and worship at church. After accepting Jesus, he was baptized July 5, 2014 in the ocean. Before being baptized, we invited N-chan’s family to our home for a barbecue (see the first picture with N-chan's parents and Naomi).

Since N-chan graduated from junior high this spring, we have not seen him. He is attending a boarding high school far from our home, studying to be a farmer. So, I was so surprised to see his Mom at worship service. (Usually, we have ~300 in attendance during the morning service and it is hard to recognize people in the crowd.) The following Sunday, October 9, I greeted her before worship. I congratulated her and she was very thankful. Her smile was so beautiful! This month, her daughter started coming to our Bible study. She is one of Lee Ann’s students at Soshin Girls School. Please pray for Y-chan and N-chan’s father for faith!

We want to express our thanks to the many people that have responded and pledged toward our financial support. Would you consider a donation or pledge to the World Mission Offering in October? Please know that your part in the body of Christ is extremely valuable. Please donate through your local American Baptist church or click the link below:

World Mission Offering

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May the Lord continue to richly bless you!

With Thanks and much Love,

Gordon (and Lee Ann) Hwang