International Ministries

Ruth Mooney

December 2, 2008 PrayerCall

Ruth's ministry is Christian education. She lives in Costa Rica, where she works with Ediciones Lumbrera, a team that writes and publishes Bible study materials for the Federacion de Asociaciones Bautistas de Costa Rica and churches throughout Latin America.
The material emphasizes a participatory teaching style that seeks the transformation of the learners as well as dialogue and community within the group. Ruth has published a manual for writing Christian education materials using this emphasis.  She is currently on U.S./Puerto Rico Assignment.

She writes: One of the most distinctive characteristics of an authentic Christian community is thanksgiving. Often we are caught up in the spirit of our age that teaches us to never be satisfied with what we have, to always want more, to buy, buy, buy, even if we don’t need it and can’t afford it. Yet, we already have more than we need, and are excessively wealthy by the world’s standards. Perhaps it is time to rethink our priorities. Let us be thankful for laughter and friends, for authenticity and hope. Instead of more things, let us strive for more justice, more goodwill among all, more forgiveness and community. Of those things we can never have too much.

•    Pray for Ruth as she ministers in churches during her time in the United States and as she continues her Christian education ministry in Costa Rica.
