International Ministries

Terry and Tom Myers

March 17, 2009 PrayerCall

Terry and Tom minister in Bulgaria. Tom and our partners in Bulgaria are developing ways to help families by creating long-term solutions to the problems of unemployment, while ministering to the families' immediate needs.

They write:
We will be returning to Colorado for a year in July, 2009. This is a year earlier than we normally would be scheduled to be in the U.S., but we made this decision to better suit the educational needs of both our boys.

Challenging Times

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of our ministry. We have been truly blessed with wonderful friends who have, through our years in Bulgaria, supported us with their prayers and with their financial gifts. In these difficult times, as many of you are struggling financially, we want you to know how much we appreciate your sacrificial giving.


There has been an increase in giving targeted for specific missionaries, and much of what was hoped for with International Ministries' Missionary Partnership Team /Network model is happening. God has worked through countless missionaries serving with International Ministries as they have shared the Good News of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world for nearly 200 years.

·        We ask that you join with us in praying for those whose have been hurt by this economic crisis, for the International Ministries staff, and for the missionaries serving around the world.

·        Pray for Tom and Terry and their children Andrew (AJ) (15) and Nathan (13) as they minister and live in Bulgaria.
