International Ministries

Allow The Light Of God To Be Visible

May 13, 2004 Journal

Dear Friends,

I have received so many emails from everyone regarding my last newsletter that I felt there was no option but to do a follow-up!You are each such a blessing to my life.Please believe that I could not do the work I do without the support and prayers of each of you.You are vital to my work and my life here in the Dominican Republic.Never forget that.

Having said that, some other thoughts have come to mind since I last wrote, that I would like to share with you.

Verdell Davis once wrote, "Peace, in the ultimate meaning of the word, is not the absence of conflict.It is not the accumulation of wealth or comfort and ease, or a state of happiness.Peace is that sense deep down inside that says no matter what happens, all is well with my soul."

I think this is an appropriate follow-up to my last letter.How often do we judge the "peace" in our life by how comfortable we are.Either by how much we have (or don't have), how much we are doing (or not doing) or how much conflict we have in our life.The reality of life is that most of the time we will be in the midst of some sort of conflict.Conflict of values, conflict of jobs, conflict in the family or conflict among the church.Very few moments in life are free of conflict.But this doesn't mean that we have to live as if our world is upside-down.Our sense of peace cannot come from what is going on around us.Our faith says that our peace comes from knowing to whom we belong…God.

God who is in control (thankfully!).God who is directing our paths (hopefully we follow!).God who is healing our wounds and not the solutions that the world offers.How amazing the sense of peace when we stop trying to make sense of what has happened or try to change what is happening or try to prevent something from happening in our lives.If we "let go and let God" our lives, no matter how chaotic, will be full of peace.

I once wrote in my Bible, "We choose to make God less than He is."Is this true for you?Do you set limits on what God can and IS doing in your life?We need to understand that we CANNOT understand everything that is going on around us and so must let God, who has all understanding, take control.If we really believe that God is God, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent we need to start living like we believe it.

There is so much turmoil in the world these days.I'm appalled at some of the things I see on the news.I can't believe there is so much hate and profanity in the world.It would be easy to be overwhelmed by this and never think of anything else.But, God be praised! We don't have to.We can trust God to take care of things in His way.We can continue to pray that others begin to trust God and follow His lead.We can uplift those who are in "the trenches" of life and offer them the peace and hope that we have.We can live in peace.

I am often asked what can someone do to make a difference in the work of La Romana.As trite as it might sound, I usually say, pray.First and foremost, if there is not prayer behind the work here, we will not be covered by the protection of God that we need.Second, become involved.Now, you may say, "hey, just yesterday you told me to not overextend myself and now you are saying to become involved!"Let me explain.

Becoming involved in a mission does not necessarily mean going on a missions trip.You can let others go, if you choose, while you support the work from your home.Support does not mean just money, although often the continuation of work overseas is dependent upon that.Support comes in the form of giving information to others who can help, praying (there it is again!), writing letters to missionaries overseas just to lift their spirits, going to mission conferences, making missions important to the life of the church, inviting friends to come and hear a missionary speak (hint, hint!) or becoming a missionary to the one who lives across the street or across the hall.One small word can change the course of history for someone.

I'd like to leave you with one last thought.Again, from a little known author (me!).

"We must allow the light of God to be visible in our darkest moments because that is when the greatest influence, due to the great contrast, will be made."
