International Ministries

Peace to a World That Is Bowed Down in Troubles

June 8, 2005 Journal

"If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your dwelling, for he orders his angels to protect you wherever you go."Psalm 91:9-11

How wonderfully calming and reassuring this is! We know, (and believe!), that "no evil will conquer you" despite what the world might say to the contrary.We know that in the midst of the world's troubles and problems and disasters, we have a peace offered to us that the evils of this world cannot remove.This is why each of us has been called "to go."We are called to offer this peace to a world that is bowed down in troubles and tribulations.

I'm sure that many of you have felt overwhelmed by circumstances in your life.Or maybe you know someone who just seems to always have problems and can't get out of the rut that they are in.In these moments, you want to give up and just succumb to depression or despair because you just don't have the strength to fight anymore.Isn't it a wonderful consolation to know that YOU don't have to fight the battle alone?You have God's angels around you fighting to protect you WHEREVER you go.Not just when you go to church or are in your home.These angels protect you on the road to work or school.They are with you during the day at your job through all the stresses that come.In each and every moment, you have their protection!Our only job is to seek this refuge and make Him our shelter.Why wouldn't we want this peace?

Yet, all day, every day, so many of us enter into the battle alone and with no hope of surviving the day! The last 10 days have been stressful for me in my job and I know that I would have given up long ago without the assurance that I am well taken care of.I have had vehicle problems, water problems (both the lack of AND the excess of!), electricity problems, 3 newly diagnosed patients with HIV, road blocks in trying to get a residence visa and many people coming to me looking for help with their life situations.All of this in the last ten days.In the midst of these issues, I have new volunteers, friends visiting and a new work team here.It is enough to exhaust even a tireless me!

How easy it would be to lock myself in my room and pretend there wasn't an onslaught of work to be done.Yet, I realize that I am not alone.I am not required to enter into each day with only my strength and my abilities.I have Christ as my companion, friend, teacher and protector!This doesn't remove the problems but it definitely helps me approach them with a different attitude.I can smile (a real smile!) and move forward knowing that God is here, even in this trivial matter.I can continue to offer hope to a hopeless world.I will not solve all of the problems today, but God is with me and that brings peace.

I once taught a lesson on Jeremiah 17:8.It talks about stretching the roots of our faith deep into the water and continuing to bear fruit, not just exist, amidst the drought around us.I think a lot about this verse and how it can be lived out.No matter how we try to deny it, people watch how we live our lives and how we act when troubles come.Christians can often be criticized as being happy and talking the talk when things are going well, but when problems arrive, their lives fall apart just like everyone else's.It is in these moments that we realize our faith may not be very deep and it is affected by the "droughts" of life.Make it your goal to place your roots deep into the waters of God's peace and strength.Show the world that you don't just survive the problems, but you continue to shine and show God's love.We are not dependent on the circumstances around us!

Do you remember my story about a man named Guion?He was the elderly man who was severely anemic and had both colon and prostate cancer.I went to see him the other day and guess what?He isn't anemic anymore and he's back out cutting sugar cane!He has stopped bleeding and is literally bouncing around asGuion and Kristy in May 2005 he walks and shares the miracle of his healing!!Your prayers and his faith worked!His only complaint was that his church shoes were falling apart and he needed a new pair!Amazing.Wonderful.Hopeful. Thankful.

Where are you today?What is happening in your life that is about to tear you down?Have you rested in God's arms lately or are you trying to do it all on your own strength?There is rest and peace and protection if we just seek it.It is a choice.No one will force you to take a break.No one will offer you a greater rest.God is waiting right now, in this exact moment to hold you and wrap his arms around you so that you don't have to fight alone.Take a moment right now and pray for this peace to enter your life.The problems won't disappear but how you see them may change when you look at them from the protection of God's arms.

Thank you, God, for your love and your sacrifice.Forgive me for the times that I forget how much you gave up for me.For me.You would have done it for me, alone.I love you God and ask your special protection on me today and on my family and friends.Put your angels around them to protect them from harm in this very moment.Let your peace fill their hearts and minds right now.Thank you, loving Father, for life.Thank you, Friend, for your presence.Thank you, Lord, for strength.Amen.

Love in Christ,

Kristy Engel, Missionary to the Dominican Republic