International Ministries

The Power of Prayer

January 10, 2010 Journal
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Dear friends,
Happy New Year. This note is really an expression of our thanksgivings to God for all His goodness to us. When International Ministries came up with the new philosophy of Missionary Partnership Team (MPT), we did not know what to do. Not being of American origin made things worse for us. We felt that without an MPT, we were not going to be able to continue serving with the Board of International Ministries. The MPT idea haunted us day and night.
Time and time again, we went to bed worrying about the MPT and the quota of money we needed to raise in order to continue serving in Haiti. Many ideas were floating in our mind and sometime’s we were very discouraged. We counted on two very close friends, both pastors who are now resting with the Lord. Our situation worsened when these two dear friends went home to be with the Maker of the universe.  We did not know what else to do.
We felt that it was the end of our ministry in Haiti. Kihomi, the Chaplain of the family came up with an inspiring idea in our family prayer time. Here is a line of her daily prayer:
"God send us your angels to be part of our MPT. We don't know what else to do..." God heard the cries of our hearts and did send us His angels. Our MPT is based in a new area with all new people to us. We are thankful to God for our MPT members. They are dedicated and obedient servants of the Lord.
We also praise God for the many churches and individuals who sacrificially have adopted us and give to our cause so that we can continue serving in Haiti, the country we have come to love and to cherish. Our MPT would be unable without the support of the churches and individuals, who pray for us daily, write to us and support us.
Now our prayer is: "God, we thank you for your daily care of us, for our leaders, our supporters and our MPT members. When those leaders, churches, individuals and MPT members think of us, God you think of them and take care of them"... 
Nzunga & Kihomi



I normally write as a member of the MPT group but in this situation I want to speak to you personally.  My wife and I have supported students at the University in Haiti that Nzunga recommend to us as worthy people without means to continue their educations.  I had many email and phone conversations with him and tried unsuccessfully to get him out of Haiti to speak at our church during a time there was much unrest in Haiti. I had never met him personally.  I went to Haiti in 2007 with another group.  We were only 39 miles from Cap-Haitian and Nzunga said he would come over and see me.  I thought this was great and would be no big deal.  I did not know that a 39 mile trip was 4 to 5 hours in the bed of a pick-up truck (Tap-Tap truck in Haitian terms.)  It required the fording of two rivers and literally trusting your life to the driver.  If it rained you might not go home for awhile. 


We hit it off immediately and I could feel his love for the people of Haiti.  I consider him more than a friend and brother in Christ.  He is truly a servant leader called by God and is willing to live in any condition and put up with inconveniences that would drive us all mad, to carry out his mission as God reveals it to him.  And I had not even met the best of the team, Kihomi!  (Only kidding.) 


You may have never met them.  I hope over time we can get them someplace close to you where you can but in the meantime trust me they are the real deal.

They do not labor for any worldly reward.  They endure threats, separation from their children, and many other hardships they rarely talk about.  They see heart breaking needs every day that they can do little to relieve.  Yet they continue to bring God’s love plus practical help to improve daily life in Haiti.


I know God many times works through our weakness.  In my case I give him much to work with.  I too have a prayer I repeat almost every night….God, please don’t let me screw this up!


 I covet your prayers and financial support for Nzunga’s and Kihomi’s ministry.  Haitians can see God and feel there is hope through them.


Denny Shewell

Nzunga & Kihomi MPT leader