International Ministries

Ministry Update

March 2, 2002 Journal

Nzunga continues to carry a full load of teaching. This semester, he is teaching Christian and pastoral ethics; counseling; and the discipline of Christian life. He and two of his former students now colleagues in ministry completed writing a book, Dialogue des Cousins, that will be going to the press this week. The book is an effort to compare and contrast the Baptist churches in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (CBCO) and Haiti. Meanwhile, Nzunga is writing another book, La Sexualite avant Mariage (Sexuality before marriage). This book is being written by a popular demand by the youth in the Baptist Convention of Haiti. After a conference on this subject, young men and young women who attended the conference asked Nzunga to publish it. He is adding more information before sending it to press. If this book is printed, it will be the fifth book Nzunga has published during his first term in Haiti. The first three are: La Pastorale des Prisons, The prison Ministry; Moment critique du ministere pastoral; Le Sida et la Mission de l'eglise, AIDS and the Mission of the church.

Nzunga continues to visit churches and preach the saving Word of God. A program he administrates helps needy children pay their school tuition is taking on more and more demands. Those children who are benefiting from this help are thankful to God and to those who joyful give for their education.

Kihomi Nzunga has been busy training, supervising, counseling, teaching and preaching. After a year of hard work to put in place the women's ministry of the Baptist Convention of Haiti (CBH), this denomination can be proud of the achievement that now many other congregations are looking to as a model for women's ministry.

Here is part of Kihomi's speech at the first National Conference of the Association des Femmes de la CBH:

The Women's Association of the Haitian Baptist Convention was an idea of the executive committee of the CBH had when Pastor Moise Joel Dorsinville was the president of the Convention. When they finished organizing the Association of Youth, the Association of Pastor's Children, and the Association of Pastor's Wives, they saw the need to organize the LARGEST FORCE we have in the church, the women, so they could be better used in the churches. The women's association is a gathering of all the women in all the churches of CBH. We call this group of the women AF/CBH-Association des Femmes de la Convention Baptiste d'Haiti.

The Association doesn't prevent men from working among us. The first men in the AF/CBH are all the Pastors who authorize us to be delegates to the different places we meet, pray for us, who encourage us and use us in their churches. Our husbands and brothers who encourage us to be active in the women's work and who help finance our travels are also part of our organization.

AF/CBH began with motivation of the churches organized by the General Secretary of CBH, Rev. Emmanuel Pierre and Rev. Kihomi Nzunga. It continued with a general assembly meeting, and during that assembly, the women's association AF/CBH was formed on Dec. 16, 2000. During 2001, we worked on forming the leadership. We closed the year 2001 with an evaluation of the work and a plan for the year 2002. AF/CBH organizes seminars by rotation. Whatever the situation or condition of the area, whether it's small, far, has terrible roads, we go, because that is the reality of our country, and we must be willing to work within that reality.

We have met twice at Titayen for the West, once at the Seminary campus in Limbe for the North. We've met at the Baptist Church of Croix-HiLaire for the Southern Peninsula, and at the Baptist churches of Grand Bassin, Romeo and Saint-Suzane for the northeast. We have been to the Island of La Gonave. We went to the Plateau Central and visited Hinche, Aissade, Savanette-Frontiere and Baptiste. This is the second time the Baptist church of Ennery has received the AF/CNH in the Artibonite area. In one year of this women's ministry, 83 of the 100 churches of the CBH have been actively integrated into the AF/CBH. The effort continues to reach all our CBH churches. And we will win them for Christ.

From February 8 to 12 at Ennery, was held the First National Conference of AF/CBH. Over 350 women and many men attended the conference. A large delegation came from the States to support this effort and to encourage the work. Dr. Evelyn Hilman, Dr. Marje Cole, Attorney Barbara Arnold came from the Detroit Metropolitan area. Dr. Laporte, Rev.Duvales, Mrs. Dr. Lemaire and Sister Marlene came from New York and New Jersey on behalf of Alliance des Eglises Baptistes Haitiennes aux USA. This conference dealt mainly with strategies for women's ministry in 2002. On Sunday Feb.10 a big church service was held. Many pastors left their churches to came and worship with the delegates that Sunday. Dr. Jules Casseus, the President of the Universite Chretienne du Nord d'Haiti and his wife, Mrs. Laurel Casseus were present. Rev. Emmanuel Pierre, the General Secretary of CBH, Rev. Moise Joel Dorsinville, Dr. Nzunga Mabudiga were all there. Rev. Edgard Charles came on behalf of the Radio 4VEH-The Evangelical Voice of Haiti, the main Christian radio in the country.

The family is doing fine and praise God for the opportunity of serving the Lord in this part of the world. We need prayers, as we are preparing for U.S. and Puerto Rico Assignment.

The Nzungas