International Ministries

Baptist Women: Energized And Confident

September 28, 2003 Journal

Dear Loved Ones,

Greetings and peace to all of you. Sunday Sept. 28th was a big day in the life of our Baptist Church in Terrier Rouge where Kihomi and two theological students attended the service. It was a day when women of the church were celebrating their "Fete moisson", the Thanksgiving service. Many women from other churches came by foot and by bus to join in the celebration. Fifty-one women came from our Baptist church in Fort Liberte, thirty women and their pastor came from Ferrier, eleven from Grand Bassin, the President of North region came from Trou du Nord, 2 came from Cap-Haitian, 1 from the city of Limbe and 3 from the Christian University in Northern Haiti.

The idea of this service is to encourage women to give more money (fundraising day) for their activities and to take charge of the whole service. When the idea was introduced at the beginning of the Baptist Women Association, it was close to impossible. It was not even possible to think of a woman standing in church to preach the message of God. Today, it is a reality. In the service yesterday, the pastor of the church, Rev. Appolon Noel, gave the announcements only and the whole service was led with the competency of the women. Pastor Blaise Ludia, my assistant, brought the message that day. Blaise Ludia was one of Dr. Nzunga's female students. Drawing from the Gospel of Mark 12: 41, she insisted on the fact that we need to give what we have: money, talents, time, gifts of all kinds, services.

Our year in the States was a plus for the Baptist Women Association because it has given the women the confidence to do things without having to depend on Kihomi as the national coordinator. We came back from this 2½ hour service energized and confident in the future of the Baptist Women Association and in what women of our churches are able to do when they are organized.

We are here to empower the women and their families so that they can use their potentials to their fullest.

Thank you for your prayers and support through the World Mission Offering. You are important to our continued missionary service in Haiti.We know we could not serve the Lord in Haiti if it were not for you. May God continue to watch over you.

Your missionary with love,

Kihomi Nzunga